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Coping With Uncertainty

You wake up in the morning and sit with your favorite cup of coffee before heading out to work. You already know the flow of traffic, so you plan to leave the house with enough time to get there. You know you'll get off at 4pm, head home to greet your spouse, pets, or kids (or a combination of these), and start cooking dinner. While your day seems busy, you find a sense of comfort in knowing the routine. So what happens when routine ceases to exist? These days, our minds go straight to the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. However, changes in routine can happen at any time with loss of a job, change in a relationship, even with an increase in responsibilities. Although it is normal to experience discomfort in unpredictable circumstances, there are several ways to help yourself through it.

Being kind to yourself is absolutely necessary. Everyone has different capacities for coping, and trying to force yourself to handle a particular situation better will not be beneficial. Do not compare yourself to those around you. Allow yourself to feel comfort if your loved ones are managing their anxiety efficiently, but do not beat yourself up if your tolerance for uncertainty is lower than those you are surrounded by. Remember that you can only truly compare yourself against your own potential, not someone else’s.

Reflect on past mental health victories. It can be incredibly grounding to remind yourself of how many times you’ve overcome obstacles that might have caused anxiety. You have  dealt with many anxiety-provoking scenarios, and you have survived them all. Try to remember what exactly helped you through those times, and implement them into your routine now. 

Avoid dwelling on what you can’t control. This may seem impossible, but it is absolutely crucial for your mental health. If you are constantly considering the worst-case scenario, your anxiety levels will rise. It can seem difficult during troubling times, but remind yourself that negative events are not always inevitable. The future is unpredictable and many aspects of it are out of our control. However, you can shift your mindset and try to get out of the habit of considering the worst.

Control what you can. The outside factors in uncertain situations are unavoidable, yet there are still several ways to care for yourself. It can be as simple as planning your meals for the day or planning an outfit that makes you feel confident. Routine can be incredibly comforting, and it will allow you to have some control over your immediate scenario, which helps ease feelings of anxiety.

Seek support from those you trust, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Self-isolation is easy to fall into when you’re experiencing a raised level of anxiety, but it will not benefit your mental health. Keeping with contact with your friends and family is crucial during this time. If you are feeling like you need more assistance, many therapists are offering online sessions during this time. 

Uncertainty can be scary, and still, it’s important to remember that there are ways to look after your mental health. Implementing these tips can allow you to remain grounded during times when you feel overwhelmed. Although the current state of the world is out of your control, you can still practice using important tools in your daily routine for the sake of your mental wellness. You’ve got this. Climb on.