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Practicing Mindfulness Daily

Mindfulness is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” There are many techniques to practice mindfulness, such as deeply focusing on your breathing with your eyes closed, or taking the time to pay attention to all of your senses. The various methods to reach a mindful state should be practiced often, especially when you are feeling heightened feelings of anxiety. Barton Goldsmith Ph.D. has discussed why practicing mindfulness daily can benefit your life in an article provided by PsychologyToday.

Simple tasks can help you practice mindfulness. Working in your garden, sketching quietly, or crocheting are all simple activities that might bring you a sense of peace. They can be considered mindful activities, due to the fact that they each require all your attention in the moment and can improve different parts of your inner being. 

Each of the aforementioned tasks is wonderful when you are looking to practice mindfulness, but it is important to note how even simpler tasks can also achieve this result. Something as simple as sitting in your backyard, closing your eyes, and focusing on the sounds of nature for a few minutes can help ground you and bring you to the present moment. Finding what’s best for you can be immensely helpful for anxiety, because instead of spiraling over the unknown, you are consciously focused on the present moment.

Figure out what personally brings you a sense of calm. For some people, it might be running or bike riding. For others, it might be painting or sewing. All of these can be considered mindful activities if they bring you a sense of peace with yourself and what you are doing. Releasing your anxiety into a mindful activity will allow you to enjoy each day more.

Life can be stressful, and it’s sometimes difficult to not let these times send you into a spiral of anxiety. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions might come up, and then try completing a task that you are familiar with that will ground you and bring you to a state of mindfulness. Fighting your natural reactions to tumultuous experiences will only worsen these feelings. Accept the emotions, and then work to comfort and ground yourself. 

Mindfulness and balance are important to find within yourself. You don’t need to be meditating on a mountain in Tibet to achieve a mindful, balanced state. Simple activities that bring you peace are wonderful ways to release some of your stress and focus on the present moment. You do not need to seek out anything elaborate. Mindfulness can be practiced daily using simple methods that work for you.