In Western-culture, striving for happiness is often seen as a self-oriented mission often involving personal goals. However, according to a series of five studies published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, trying to make others happy makes us happier than trying to make ourselves happy. Doing nice things for others is beneficial for you because it fulfills a psychological need for connection with others, even if you do not know that person.
These studies were conducted by Liudmila Titova and Kennon M. Sheldon, and they were mainly conducted among university students in the Mid-Western United States. The researchers wanted to understand whether participants would report a greater boost in their mental states after trying to make another person happy, compared how they felt after trying to make themselves happy.
Initially, they asked students to recall a time that they did something to make someone else happy. Next, they were asked to recall a time when they did something to make themselves happy. When comparing the experiences, they recalled feeling a greater level of happiness during the act of making someone else happy rather than themselves.
A second study continued to provide evidence that the social interaction involved in assisting someone else was not driving the effect of the other-focused activity. During the experiment, participants were asked to do something to make another person happy, and they later reported a greater level of happiness than the participants that were asked to either socialize or do something to make themselves happy.
In another study, researchers were curious if people would feel better when they tried to make someone else happy, or when someone else tried to make them happy. It was discovered that still, the greatest level of happiness was when the participants were trying to make someone else happy.
In their last experiment, the researchers found that this feeling occurs even when the person who they are attempting to make happy is a complete stranger. Random individuals on the street were given two quarters and randomly assigned to one of the four following options. Either they were told to either keep the change as a reward, put the change in their parking meters, put the change in a stranger’s meter, or put the change in a stranger’s meter along with a note explaining they did this. Participants reported the highest well-being when they put money in the stranger’s meter with no note.
These studies all point to a psychological mechanism for why gracious behavior increases levels of happiness. Basic psychological need to feel connected to others mediated the effect of the other-focused activity in all of the studies. Feeling more connected to others tended to leave the participants happier than doing things for themselves.
Titova and Sheldon explain that there are a few limitations to their research. “It would be beneficial to examine the effect in a full actor-partner model, where both participants have a chance to do something to improve mood and happiness of one another,” the study authors suggest. Additionally, they say it would be interesting for future studies to examine the possible long-term effects of trying to make others happy, exploring how it measures up as “an overall life-strategy.”